International Conference, “Manifesto and research frontiers for a Renaissance in Economics”

International Conference, “Manifesto and research frontiers for a Renaissance in Economics”

International Conference, “Manifesto and research frontiers for a Renaissance in Economics”


We are living in a difficult season with challenges that put the future of our civilization at risk.

We are aware of how much economic thought, our elective field, plays a fundamental role in our culture and how much results and awareness are now mature in the research frontier that can and must push us towards a vision that overcomes barriers and reductionism, as has always been the case, in the history of scientific progress.

For this reason we believed that the time was ripe in which to propose together, colleagues from the world of Italian and international universities, a manifesto that illustrates the generative potential, satisfaction and richness of the meaning of life, of a sustainable response that can come from our discipline to today’s challenges.

For more information:

Thursday 20/6/24

University of Perugia, Department of Economics

Via Alessandro Pascoli, 20, 06123 – Perugia

Morning Session


PARALLEL (OR INVITED) SESSIONS | ore 09:30 – 11:30

PLENARY SESSION – Discussion of Manifesto | ore 11:30 – 13:15

Presentation of the Manifesto by the organizing committee


Marco Ferrando

Journalist “Avvenire”

Round table:

Massimo Bordignon

Professor University “Cattolica di Milano”

Gabriella Cagliesi

Professor “University of Sussex”

LUNCH | ore 13.30 – 14.30

Afternoon Session


PLENARY SESSION | ore 14:30 – 16:15

Keynote speech invited speakers on topics related to the manifesto


Jeffrey Sachs

“Columbia University”

Jayati Ghosh

“Jawaharlal Nehru University”


Robert H. Frank

“Cornell University”


ASSEMBLY OF MANIFESTO | ore 16:15 – 17:15

Introduced by Robert Frank view of the Manifesto


PARALLEL (OR INVITED) SESSIONS | ore 17:30 – 19:00


Friday 21/6/24

University of Perugia, Department of Economics

Via Alessandro Pascoli, 20, 06123 – Perugia

Morning Session


PLENARY SESSION | ore 9:30 – 11:30

The Manifesto for new economics and policies for Italy in the era of global shocks


Ferruccio De Bortoli

Journalist and Chairman of “Vidas”

Round table:

Fabrizio Barca

coordinator “Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità”

Mario Baldassarri

Emeritus professor University “La Sapienza” of Rome / Chair “Centro Studi Economia Reale”

Renato Brunetta

President “CNEL”

Stefania Cosci

Professor University “LUMSA”

PLENARY SESSION | ore 11:30 – 13:30

Round table of “impact” entrepreneurs


Sergio Casagrande

Corriere dell’Umbria

Round table:

Fabiola Di Loreto

Executive Director “Confcooperative”

Claudia Benedetti

Head of General Secretariat and Mutuality Development Service “Federcasse – BCC”

Livio Bertola

President “AIPEC” and “Bertola SPA”

Stefania Brancaccio

General Secretary “UCID” and Vice President “Coelmo”

Vincenzo Linarello

President “Consorzio GOEL”

Massimo Mercati

Executive Director “Aboca”

Gaia Paradisi

Executive Director “Paradisi SPA”

LUNCH | ore 13:30 – 14:30


PARALLEL (OR INVITED) SESSIONS | ore 14:30 – 16:30

Why a pre-Festival event?

The National Festival of the Civil Economy has always been a meeting place, whose purpose is to give strength and impetus to a large, democratic, generative mobilisation of people, businesses and associations committed to a new economy. Where the focus is not on profit, but on the individual and the community of which he or she is a part; where the logic of exploitation and unbridled consumerism is replaced by that of fairness and shared values; where sustainability is not just a slogan, but a real way of life.

Every year we approach a new edition of the Festival through small/big initiatives, activities and events involving supporting partners, influential guests and civil society actors. With the International Conference “Manifesto and research frontiers for a Renaissance in Economic” on 20-21 June 2024, we are officially kicking off this year’s real journey of preparation for next October’s event. Our commitment is to continue advancing the values and good practices that can lead us to a new, more equitable, sustainable and inclusive economic paradigm.

Click here to consult the manifesto website